Strong Team

Accounting Is The Language Of Business.

Warren Buffet

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Holds in these matters principles all selection right rejects.

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Team is available 7
days a week

No one rejects dislikes avoids sure but because those who do.

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Focused on achieving results

Loves or pursues or desires obtain of itself because it is pain.

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Exceeds our client’s expectations

Trivial example which of us ever all undertakes laborious.

Dedicated Team

Professional Individuals

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Managing Partner / CEO
Olayinka Oyebola
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Engagement Reviewer Partner
Adesoji Moses Oyedapo
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Senior Manager
Sowunmi Oluwadara 'Y.
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Juliet Adiche
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Oladele Gbenga
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Dolapo Idowu
Dedicated Team

Professional Individuals

Olayinka Oyebola & Co.’s main strength is its team of multi-disciplined people who are fully supported by sophisticated and up-to-date information technology systems. Our policy is that all projects/assignments must be properly staffed by personnel with appropriate training, experience and competence. Work assigned to project teams must also be properly supervised and thoroughly reviewed.

Each engagement is led by an Engagement Partner who has full responsibility for the service given to the client. With that responsibility, comes full authority (within a defined framework) for decision-making, allowing the Engagement Partner the scope he or she needs to deliver to clients the services they need.

We demand the highest professional standards at all times from our staff engaged on assignment – integrity, objectivity and independence, both in reality and as perceived by clients and third parties. Confidentiality of information obtained in the course of our work must always be maintained at all times. Additionally, the firm has a strict policy in respect of quality assurance and for technical completeness of each assignment.

Year of 2021


Client Retention

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